( if your audio is turned up and an audio players is working on your machine, you are NOW listening to Ed York describing his experiences at Los Alamos in 1943-1945 working on the first atomic weapon and filming its detonation)

*144 HOURS* of Audio Speeches
From the Best Scientists/Doctors in the World on
all on CD-ROM.

More about some of the names you see below
When the speech name says "Teller" that is Dr. Edward Teller.  Sakharov is Dr. Andre Sakharav from the USSR
Dr. Wood is the man who ran the Brilliant Pebbles "Star Wars" Antiballistic Missile Program.
York is Ed York, one of the best nuclear weapon scientists and civil defense experts in the world, you'll probably listen to most of his speeches first.

These Speeches were recorded at the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) Conference between 1992 and 1999
These speeches are copyrighted and are distributed with permission.  Royalties are paid to DDP and your purchase of this CD-ROM helps this non-profit organization continue to bring some of the best science and experts forward to share their life long knowledge with the US public for OUR protection.  We WILL chase down anyone re-selling speeches from this CD-ROM illegally.


All of us working and contributing to the field of civil defense have life long commitments, before the terrorists stuck on September 11th, 2001 and we are committed to the EDUCATION and PROTECTION of the American Public against terrorism and any nation that would seek the destruction of the American People through military or other means.

( some of these speeches can scare the piss out of you, this is like NOTHING you will hear or heard in the press )
1992 Chester - Defense Against Biological Weapons
1993 Heyndricks - Toxins in the Air- Chemical Biological Warfare
1994 Chester - Exotic Future Threats
1995 Baker - World Terrorism- Preparing for the CBW Threat
1995 Chester - Update on Exotic Chemical and Biological Threats Threats and Expedient Defenses
1995 Wood - Once and Future Threats to Health-Ancient Danger in Modern Guise
1996 Shruck - The Threat of Biological and Chemical Terrorism
1998 Douglass - The Chemical and Biological Weapons Threat
1998 Wood - Once and Future Threats to Human Health: a Clear and Present Danger
1999 Gaffney - Making the World Safe for VX

1992 Cohen - The Best Defense is Defense
1992 Everett - From Passive to Active Defense
1992 Looney - Preparing for Man Made Disaster
1992 Robinson - Civil Defense in the 1990s
1992 Sakharov - Intelligence After the Fall of the Soviet Union
1992 Teller - Plans for Global Protection
1992 Teller - Warning and Reporting of Disaster
1992 Williams - Civil Defense of Endangered Species #1
1992 York - Terrorists & the 3rd World Nuclear Threat
1993 Looney - Electro Magnetic Pulse and Hospitals
1993 Wood - Is Missile Defense Possible
1994 Cohen - The Threat of Red Mercury
1995 Kearny - Malaria and Other Hazards-the State of Our Defenses
1995 Sam Cohen - Nuclear Terrorism- A Credible Threat
1995 York - Dawn of the Atomic Age-Thermonuclear Devices and Air-to-Air Bomber Defense
1996 Cohen - The Moral Bankruptcy of US National Defense Policy
1996 Jastrow - Missile Defense- Has Its Time Come
1996 Kearny - Survival vs Denial and Avoidance
1996 Phillips Barnes - Low Technology Techniques for Survival in Adverse Conditions
1997 Jastrow - An Update on Ballistic Missile Defense
1997 Kearny - Overcoming Obstacles to Effective Civil Defense
1998 Jastrow - Ballistic Missile Defense: Prospects and Realities
1998 Kearny - War-Winning and War-Losing Equipment and Ideas
1999 Kearny - Jungle Snafus and Remedies and Upcomming NBC Snafus
1999 Gold - Homeland Defense: Commitment or Fad?


1992 Packer - Practical Shelter Construction
1993 York - Afther Shelter - What Next
1993 Packer & Seyfried - Why Not Shelters
1995 Packer & Seyfried- A Conversation with Les Aspin
1996 York - Soviet Shelters for Industrial Workers
1996 Packer - Technical Issues in Blast and Radiation Shelter Construction
1999 Sharon Packer & Paul Seyfried - Constructing and Equipping an NBC Shelter

1993 Teller - Safe Nuclear Energy and Tribute to Petr Beckman
1994 Lehr - Need for Skepticism Admist Scientific Illiteracy
1995 Kamen - The Discovery of Carbon-14
1995 Merrifield - The First Laboratory Synthesis of an Enzyme
1995 Teller - Meteorite Impacts and Radiation Controversies
1995 Zubrin - Misson to Mars (Mars Direct)
1997 Teller - Satellite Observation of Political and Natural Events
1997 Zubrin - The Case for Mars
1999 Frederick Seitz, Ph.D. - Politics and Science

1992 Hazeltine - Wetlands- A Haven for Disease Vectors
1993 Ames - Cancer Risk Assessment
1993 Kaplan - Health Effects of Wildfire
1993 Orient - Impending Medical-Economic Disaster
1994 B.Cohen - The Risks of Low Level Radiation
1994 Lucky - Radiation Hormesis
1994 Maccabee - Facts vs Media Fiction in Radiation Experiments
1995 Duesberg - The Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Scientific Integrity
1995 Eitzen - The Threat of Emerging Infections
1996 Griffin - Gov School-Based Clinics-Medical & Cultural Disaster
1996 Miller - Anti-Medicine Man-The FDA and Medical Progress
1996 Monteith - The AIDS Epidemic-The Abandonment of Public Health
1996 Sandquist - Low Level Radiation- Is it Good for You
1997 B.Cohen - Indoor Radon, Lung Cancer, and the Linear No-Threshold Hypothesis
1997 Orient - What American Medicine Must Do to Survive
1997 Polycove - Epidemiology, Molecular Biology, and the Demise of the LNT Theory
1999 Faria - Integrity in Science and Medicine: Gun Control and Public Health
1999 B.Cohen - Problems with the Linear No-Threshold Theory of Radiation Carcinogenesis
1999 Orient - New Vaccines, New Epidemics

(These are not WAKO Enviromentalist ranting, Dr. John Christy is THE MAN who invented Earth based satellite temperature measurement, 30,000 readings a day, the whole planet,  hundredths of a degree accuracy, 25+ years worth from existing satellites.  Seitz, former president of the National Academy of Scientist, Nierenberg, former administrator of Scripps Ocean Institute (amount MANY other life long achievements in science.)  Kimball, great scientist from Michigan State University Agriculture research, expert on CO2 and Plant Growth.  Same with BOTH Dr. Idso speakers, it's FASCINATING to hear these experts speak and they all speak so well.)
1993 Elsaesser - The Global Warming Scare
1994 Idso - Carbon Dioxide and Global Change
1994 Balling - Greenhouse Predictions vs Climate Reality
1994 Seitz - Global Warming- What Does Science Tell Us
1996 Baliunas - Is Global Climate at Risk
1997 Kimball - The Effect of Increased Carbon Dioxide Levels on Plants
1997 Baliunas - Global Warming: The Latest Onslaught in Defiance of Scientific Fact
1997 Stevenson - The Non-Science of Global Warming
1998 K-Idso - Direct Biological Effects of Increasing Levels of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide.
1998 Christy - Taking the Earth's Temperature by Satellite
1998 Robinson - The Global Warming Petition Project
1998 Baliunas - Global Warming: the Latest on False and Scary Greenhouse Gas Theory
1999 Wittwer - Enhanced Atomospheric Carbon Dioxide: The Effects of Life on Earth
1999 Robinsion - Global Warming: Cooling Off the Misperception of Reality
1999 Nierenberg - The Science of Global Warming

1992 Beckman - The Dangers of the Green Established Church
1992 Maccabee - Environmentalist Myths
1993 Dixy Lee Ray - Environmental Overkill and Common Sense
1993 Hazeltine - The Environment and Human Health- Is There a Conflict
1993 Maccabee - Gory Details- Al Gores Earth Book
1993 Robinson - Local Response to the Environmentalist Threat
1993 Salmon - The Politics of Environmentalism
1994 Krug - Environment Betrayed
1994 Singer - The Ozone Hole and Scientific Integrity
1995 Baliunas - Is the Ozone Layer Threatened
1996 Edwards - Is the Human Ecosystem Endangered-DDT-Alligators and Regulatory Atrocities
1996 Penner - Do We Use Sound Scientific Principles in Environmental Management
1996 Singer - Stratospheric Ozone-Politically Correct and Other Views
1997 Edwards - Pesticides in Medicine and Politics
1997 Sanera - Facts, Not Fear: Defense Against Environmental Miseducation 
1998 Edwards - Controversies on the Endangered Species Act
1998 Lamb - Green Religion, Global Governance, and the Kyoto Treaty
1998 Cohen - The EPA, Ozone, Particulates, and the Scientific Method
1998 Lehr - The Tools for Fighting Pseudoscience: The Case of the Missing Ozone
1998 Dresher - Public Outrage, Pseudoscience, Politicians, and the Press
1998 Diethrich - What Methyl Bromide Means to You
1999 Edwards - The EPA and the "Reasonable Certainty of No Harm"
1999 Zimmerman - Modern Dragons: Threatening Global Disaster

1992 Wiley - News Media Bias - What Next
1993 Ho-Cheu - Earthquakes
1994 Chapman - Extraterrestrial Impact Events
1994 DDP Meeting Participants - For the Good of the Order
1994 Kearny - Jungle Snafus-Preventing Death in the Jungle
1994 Robinson - The 98% Fact-Free Diet
1994 Scherzer - Holocaust Memorial-Lessons for American Medicine
1994 York - The Trinity Atomic Bomb Test
1995 Orient - Government in the Sunshine- A Weapon Against Over-Regulation
1995 Robinson - Can the Educational Disaster Be Turned Around
1995 Smith - The Risk of Politicized Risk Assessment
1996 Awards Banquet- Kearny - Jastrow - Kamen
1996 Irvine - Update on Vincent Foster Cover-up
1996 Story - Soviet-Chinese Strategic Deception- In Pursuit of World Revolution
1997 Cooper - The Combat Mind-Set
1997 Guzzo - Getting Your Message into the Media
1997 Open Session - Short Presentation by Participants
1997 Penner - U.S. Energy Supplies for the 21st Century
1997 Remarks - Brief remarks by Standford S. Penner PhD, Marain Kamen PhD, and Reed Irvine
1997 Robinson - Science and Free Enterprise in the 21st Century
1997 Sennholz - The Bull Market and the Bubble Phenomenon
1998 Parks - The Banking System: a Disaster in the Making
1998 Olds - Energy Sources: Communicating the Message to the Public
1998 York - When Nothing Happened: Unsuccessful Atomic Tests
1999 Atkinson - The Socialization of the U.S. Military
1999 Fox - Hanford: The Real Story
1999 Miller, Ph.D. - Genetic Engineering and the Effects of Government Regulation
1999 York - Unexpected Spinoffs of Atomic Experiments

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